Another cool event coming up… November 28th at the Walthamstow Trades. It’s Bez! Delighted to be hosting what will no-doubt be a fascinating and riotous evening…. From the blurb:
“At the height of his initial, turn-of-the-1990’s infamy as the maraca-wielding dancer with ‘Madchester’ giants Happy Mondays, the pop-eyed Mark Berry, forever known to the world as Bez, was visibly a danger to society. He became the so-called Chemical Generation’s bug-eyed pied piper, every weekend leading millions out to oblivion and beyond, as they adopted his E-gobbling party lifestyle.
“Neither an accomplished musician nor even a very good dancer, Bez was a prime candidate for fleeting celebrity, soon to sink into ‘Where Are They Now?’ obscurity. That, however, never happened, nor does it show any sign of happening.”
UPDATE: what an event. Bez had everyone in stitches – it was a great evening. Oh look, here are some pictures! Including Bez’s two lovely dogs.